Complaints procedure of the REH4MAT company
1. Purpose of the procedure
1.1. The purpose of the complaint procedure is to ensure that the complaint procedure will be conducted in a manner that will allow for the correct diagnosis of the cause of the reported complaints and to ensure that REH4MAT will reliably and conscientiously consider the complaint and remove any possible defects of the product.
1.2. The addressees of this complaint procedure are only the entities that purchased the product (s) at REH4MAT and the responsible employees of REH4MAT.
2. Scope of Application
2.1. The procedure applies to all products manufactured by REH4MAT during the valid warranty period.
2.2. An employee of the Complaints Department is a person responsible for:
2.2.1. supervising the entirety of the complaint process,
2.2.2. correspondence, contact with the person submitting the complaint,
2.2.3. keeping an archive of complaints.
3. The complaint process
3.1. The complaint is reported by the user (Patient) to the seller from whom he purchased the product.
3.2. The only party authorized to submit a complaint under the guarantee are medical stores and other entities that purchased products from REH4MAT – hereinafter referred to as the authorized entity.
3.3. The complaint should be addressed to the Complaints Department of REH4MAT. In order to facilitate the consideration of the complaint by REH4MAT, the authorized entity may download the complaint protocol from the website, which is filled in in the presence of the patient / user of the advertised product. The completed complaint protocol or other document from which the description of the product defects will arise, along with photos that accurately illustrate the defects of the product, must be attached to the e-mail correspondence regarding the defective product and sent with it to the address
3.4. In a situation where the complaint relates to a product purchased in the form of electronic sale; the patient / user of the product should send the advertised product to the online store where it was purchased. After receiving the advertised product, the online seller is obliged to complete the complaint protocol, indicating that the protocol applies to online sales and, together with photos of the product defect, immediately send it to the e-mail address indicated in point 3.3.
3.5. In any case, with the complaint, apart from the complaint protocol, a scan of the proof of purchase or other confirmation of the purchase of the product (e.g. bank account statement – debiting the account with payment) and a scan of the warranty card described and stamped by the seller should be attached.
3.6. If the complainant indicates the address of the patient / user as the address to which the product is to be sent by REH4MAT after considering the complaint, the complaint must be accompanied by the patient / user statement in accordance with the GDPR Regulation, which will result in the right of the entity authorized to entrust REH4MAT with the processing of patient data /user. In the absence of such a statement, the product will be sent back to the address of the authorized entity.
3.7. If a complaint is sent without the documents indicated in points 3.3 – 3.5 or with some of the documents mentioned in these points, the complaint will not be considered until the missing documents are sent – about which the Seller will be immediately informed by e-mail.
3.8. If the data provided in the complaint need to be supplemented, REH4MAT may request supplementation before considering the complaint, after which the complaint will be considered within 14 days from the date REH4MAT receives complete data.
3.9. REH4MAT will consider the complaint as soon as possible, but not later than within 14 calendar days from the date of receipt of the complete e-mail notification. After considering the complaint, the claimant will receive a written reply in electronic form.
3.10. If the consideration of the complaint requires the return of the advertised product to REH4MAT, about which the complainant will be informed in e-mail correspondence, the product must be accompanied by original documents, the scans of which were sent by electronic means, and referred to in point 3.3 – 3.5. After recording the mention of the method of considering the complaint, the documents will be returned to the address indicated in point 3.6.
3.11. In the situation indicated in point 3.10, the advertised product should be packed in a way that enables safe transport to REH4MAT. REH4MAT is not responsible for damage caused during transport as a result of defective packaging. The product must also meet basic hygiene conditions. If necessary, it should be washed or cleaned prior to shipment, in accordance with the maintenance instructions in the instructions for use. The product delivered in an unsanitary condition will be sent back to the claimant at his expense in order to bring him to a condition that allows the complaint to be considered.
3.12. The provision of point 3.11, second sentence, shall apply accordingly if REH4MAT accepts a complaint submitted electronically; the product delivered in unsanitary condition will be sent back to the claimant at his expense, in order to bring him to a condition that allows removal of the identified defects.
3.13. The obligation to send REH4MAT the original of the warranty card and the complaint protocol also applies to the situation where the complaint submitted electronically was considered justified without the need to send the product under complaint. The provision of point 3.10, second sentence, shall apply accordingly.
3.14. If the seller is authorized by REH4MAT to include on the above-mentioned documents a note on the method of considering the complaint according to REH4MAT guidelines, the obligation to provide the original documents indicated in point 3.13 does not apply. The seller is not entitled to put other content on the guarantee document and the complaint report than those provided to him by REH4MAT – and after applying the aforementioned note, the seller is obliged to send the scans of the above-mentioned documents to the REH4MAT e-mail address indicated in point 3.3.
3.15. If it is found that the advertised product has mechanical damage, the complaint will be rejected. The basis for rejecting a complaint for products reimbursed by the National Health Fund is also the improper selection of an orthopedic device for the patient’s disease. REH4MAT reserves the right, before considering such complaints, to assess whether the product has been dispensed in accordance with its medical purpose and in accordance with the patient’s disease.
3.16. Product changes made without REH4MAT’s consent, product repairs or repair attempts made by an entity other than REH4MAT, improper storage of the product or improper use of the product are grounds for rejecting the complaint.
3.17. If the advertised product turns out to be free from defects, REH4MAT will charge the advertiser a fee for diagnostics and costs of returning the product. It is allowed to refrain from charging shipping costs if the returned product is attached to the shipment containing the products ordered by the authorized entity.
3.18. Complaint protocol, reply and any attachments and all correspondence with the complainant or scans of these documents (if the complaint was submitted and considered by electronic means), are stored at the headquarters of REH4MAT – the responsible for proper storage and complete documentation is an employee of the Complaints Department, which keeps a register of complaints for a given calendar year.
3.19. The warranty is extended by the period in which the complaint was considered, counting from the date of filing the complaint to the date of delivery to the user of a defect-free copy.
3.20. The guarantee does not exclude, limit or suspend the Buyer’s rights resulting from the provisions on the warranty for defects in the sold item.
4. Scope of warranty rights
4.1. The warranty covers only defects and damage to the product resulting from the fault of REH4MAT, due to material defects, hidden defects, improper processing or assembly.
4.2. The warranty does not cover:
defects resulting from the use of the product contrary to the rules contained in the user manual, modifications, design changes made by the user or third parties
natural wear and tear consistent with the properties or intended use of the product
damage by mechanical, thermal, chemical and other factors caused by the user’s action or external forces
damage that occurred during loading by any carrier, as well as damage caused during transport, resulting from improper packaging of the product
4.3. The warranty expires in the event of modifications, adaptations or structural changes to the product by entities other than REH4MAT or entities indicated by it.
Complaints Form